Karl Marx's Contribution To The Russian Revolution

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Karl Marx Karl Marx was an innovative thinker and one of the most important philosophers of the 19th century, whose ideas are still being used and studied today. It was Marx’s philosophies and theories that would later inspire Joseph Stalin to initiate the Russian Revolution, even though Marx’s theories were largely ignored and described as useless during his lifetime. He was such an influential person that a book would later be published in 1997 with Marx portraying one of the most important characters. Prior to his involvement in politics and economics, Marx was an opinionated philosophy student. Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818, to Henrietta and Heinrich Marx. By the time he was 25 years old, he had been married to Jenny Von Westphalen. He was so dedicated to his work that he completely neglected his family. Marx should not have spent all his time focusing on his work, but some of the time on his family too. Eventually his heavily opinionated articles caused him and his family to be expelled from France and Germany numerous times (Collier 8). Marx was right not to listen to the society’s opinions but should have respected the rules and boundaries of the country he was currently living in. His number of experiences in the social and economic standings of France and Germany would help to form his theories and political statements later on. His knowledge and publications he established in his lifetime would later be the inspiration for a famous, historic event: the