Imagine going to the grocery store to buy bread. You pick out what looks to be a fresh loaf of white bread. When you are at home, you open the bag to grab a slice for a sandwich. Although the bag advertised fresh white bread inside, you discover that the bread is brown moldy and unpalatable. This is the affect The 100 has on its readers. The novel illuminates the ethical challenges faced in an effort to survive but fails deliver that potential the topic suggests and leaves the reader disappointed and unfulfillied. The young adult novel The 100 by Kass Morgan was published in 2013 in New York. This story takes place on a space station orbiting above earth. The people who live on the station are the descendants of the last surviving human population that fled from an apocalyptic Earth 200 year ago. As the last resort to save the human race aboard the decaying station, 100 young prisoners are sent to earth to investigate the inhabitability of …show more content…
Instead, what is presented is an uneventful romance novel with science fiction elements. Majority of the content consists of love stricken teenagers and their love lives. The novel follows Clarke and Well’s broken relationship as he follows her to earth in an effort to reconcile their relationship. A short romantic fling also develops between Clarke and Bellamy where they share “the first kiss on earth” (186). If one sappy love triangle wasn’t enough to bore the reader, a subplot tells the story of Glass who escapes the earth mission the reunite with her boyfriend on the space station. Not only does this romance have very little correlation to the main plot, it felt unnecessary because the two plots did not intertwine or complement each other. The use of the devoted romantic following cliché makes the plot predictable and dragged. Morgan’s overly sentimental romantic approach does injustice to a promising plot