Kate Chopin's Short Story 'The Storm'

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The short story “The Storm” is written by Kate Chopin. The author of the story “The Storm”, Kate Chopin, was born on February 8, 1850, in St. Louis, Missouri. She began to write after the death of her husband. The main characters of the story are Calixta, Alcee, Bobinôt, and the four-year-old son Bibi. This story indicates the marriage, women and femininity, and the sex in the 19th century.
Women and men in the 19th century were expected to fill separate spheres of society. Men were expected to live a more public life, whether it was working in a factory or socializing with men in public places. On the other hand, women were expected to live their lives homebound, taking care of the cooking, cleaning, and the children. Free time for women was not supposed to be spent socializing with friends or going shopping but doing other things related to the maintenance of the family, from sewing clothing …show more content…

Although, Calixta cheated on her husband, she felt great about herself and went back to her marriage feeling fulfilled. The story stated she was kinder and sweeter towards her husband. Her husband, Bobinôt, seem like a sweet guy to go out and bring his wife shrimp during a storm. (QUOTE HOW SHE HAD SUPPER READY AND GAVE BOBINOT A KISS) Some may argue Kate Chopin not only disapproved of the relationship but pictures it as a healthy affirmation of what it means to be human. Everyone has needs in life. Mary E. Papke argues that in the story “the search of selfhood and desire are presented as parts of a possible and positive process, despite what the social and moral commandments say.” Sexuality was a natural part of life under the sanctions of marriage. A woman's sexuality was not her own, but a blessed feature which was the man's to invade upon marriage. The man in the relationship also has the responsibility to make his wife satisfied and happy; mentally, sexually, and emotionally. It’s the little things that count in a