The Story of an Hour “The Story of an Hour” is a short story written in the 19th Century by Kate Chopin. This short story is about a woman named Mrs.Mallard who has heart problems, and her friends and family have to break the tragic news to her. Richard, a friend of Mrs.Mallard's, finds out through a newspaper, that her husband, Mr.Mallard has been killed. Since Mrs.Mallard has heart problems, she must not be messed with, or she could possibly die. Her sister Josephine, tried to tell Mrs.Mallard in an indirect way that her husband had passed away. Mrs.Mallard tried to act like any women in her situation, shed tears, and runs to her room alone. She looks out the window and feels freedom once again. She starts thinking about how she will fake …show more content…
Mallard didn't realize her freedom until she was in her room looking out the window and at that time, she didn't actually feel bad for feeling the way she did because everything was happening so unexpectedly. I also agree with Ann Woodlief because she was getting creative and thinking outside the box. Because the Mallard family didn't have any kids, it could've been a reason to why she felt trapped in her marriage. It was always her and her husband. Something I can add in the story is that since this story was written in the 19th century, women weren't seen as the ones to be outspoken or to do as they wanted. But, they were always suppose to be so innocent and be working at home. I can understand were Mrs.Mallard was coming from when she felt all this joy of freedom because this isn’t something she usually comes across or gets to feel. During that time period in life, women didn't have independence or freedom; but rather felt like everything that belong to her, also belonged to her husband. An example of that could be her life because it was so restricted. In conclusion, “The Story of an Hour”, by Kate Chopin was a story with dramatic irony that makes the story the way it is. Without dramatic irony, I don't believe this story would be as good as it came out to be because throughout the story, Kate Chopin found a way to make this story epic and with many plot twist that we, as readers, would never