Kentucky State University Mentoring Essay

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The purpose of this qualitative study is to continue the exploration of two mentoring programs at Texas Southern University and Kentucky State University. The goal of this study to explore and understand the experiences of African American males within the mentoring programs. Two mentoring programs have been identified to share their personal and learned experiences through mentorship. Historically, African American males graduate from institutions of higher education at a lower rate than their age like counterparts. In 2020, the Post-Secondary National Policy Institute reported that African American Males undergraduate rate decreased over a course of a decade from 2.5 million Black students to 2.1 million black students. Fewer African …show more content…

Research suggest that African American males are seen as consistent underperformers. African – American males do not achieve nearly as high as their counterparts within postsecondary education. According to data compiled by the National Collegiate Athletic Association and reflects accredited national studies, the African American male college graduation rate from 2010 to 2016 was 40%. By contrast, the six-year graduation rate among African American females was 49%. The same data reported the graduation rates for White students and Asian American students at 69% and 77% …show more content…

Those two phases are focus on peer-to-peer mentoring and faculty to student mentoring. The goal of the KSU mentoring to program is to help eighteen – twenty-one-year-old students to advance holistically, achieve academically, and rise above adversity as they aspire towards excellence. In a cyclical system, students would be exposed to competent, caring, supportive and prosocial mentors. In return after a one semester of faculty and staff mentoring through ongoing one on one and group sessions that focus on wrap around support services and tutoring support that will yield academic success. The Plug mentoring program defines there mentoring program through five core pillars: leadership, accountability, engagement, growth mindset, and scholarship. Through these five mentoring values they have created initiatives and programs that will ensure African American males have the necessary tools to be successful throughout their collegiate journey. True mentors understand it is more about the people that they lead, rather than personal gain. Leaders who understand their potential will have high standards; set the example while seeking the responsibility, and take accountability for their actions, take the harder right over the easier wrong and as always true leaders are accountable and responsible for those who lead. A leader must have the ability to display all of these qualities while ensuring that his or her