Ketogenic Diet Research Paper

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Chapter 1 – What is the Ketogenic Diet?

For many people, the world of dieting is one that they aren’t a huge fan of – after all, who wants to be told that they look awful? The simple answer is nobody! To get around this deep and troubling problem, it always helps to know what you are dealing with and when you are taking on these problems along the way.
The easiest way to come to a conclusion on this is actually relatively simple – you need to review the way that you live your life.
You need to look at;
Your life
Your diet
Your way of thinking
Your mentality
Your habits
Each of these play a key role in deciding just how well balanced you are as an individual – they’ll also decide how you feel inside. With large chunks of people reading this, …show more content…

To get to that stage, though, you need to feel pretty confident in what you are working on and the diet that you are using.
Well, as far as diets go, the Ketogenic Diet is about as trustworthy as they come; people all across the globe will happily recommend it to you, making it much easier to get to grips with why this is such a revered form of weight loss.
Typically, it’s used to help manage and control epilepsy of a sufficient standard in children, but it’s actually got a far more scientific process behind it. This is caused by the fact that this diet changes the way your body deals with things like carbs.
Usually, carbs are turned into glucose and used as energy – if you have very little carbs in your diet though, it uses fat instead. This turns fat into fat acids, and then into ketone bodies. This eventually puts the body into a state of ketosis which vastly reduces the rate of epileptic seizures.
Of course, this diet is not just for epileptics – it’s made for those who want to go through a diet that makes them lose weight whilst still having a varied and wide range of meals to pick from throughout the

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