Kevin Mccloud And Let There Be Light

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Slumming it is a documentary on one of Mumbai's largest slum, Dharavi. The narrator, Kevin McCloud’s voice is the dominate one of this documentary, as we are shown Dharavi through his perspective and his editors who effect what the audience sees throughout this documentary. The viewer is shown Kevin’s perspective on Dharavi mostly negative. In the beginning of the documentary we share his doubts about this slum, which lacks everything developed countries have, but still somehow be happier and better off than us. Kevin’s uncertainty is evident as, right off the bat, the editors shock us with a close up shot of a needle being pushed into his arm. It makes you cringe and recoil at the sight of it as we normally relate it to pain and disease. We …show more content…

We are able to hear about their views on new and “improved” vertical slums being built in the area and how it will destroy the community and work environment that the residents of Dharavi have built with their own hands over many years. On the other hand, Let There Be Light is a documentary on the Pollinate solar light helping slum dwellers with their daily issues. It focuses mainly on Abdul, his family as well as Lather. They have the most prominent voice in this documentary. In Let There Be Light, the documentary gives us insight to the perspectives and voices of the people living in the slums. An example of this is when a man sates he is not poor because “one who has hands and feet cannot be poor”. Unlike many of us, this man’s perspective is that one’s status is not defined by wealth and money, instead he thinks of the people who may not be able to work or must resort to begging. This documentary is also shown in a positive light. It is present when the audience is shown near the end of the documentary Latha dancing with her family because of the job opportunities Pollinate light has brought to her therefore we can see Pollinate as a compony having beneficial impacts on the slum …show more content…

Within Slumming It we are given the perspective and voice of a white man from a developed country going to a dirty, unsanitary slum. His voice and perspective differ from the main voices in Let There Be Light as they have been living in the slums for some time now. People living there have different cultures, living styles as well as different perspectives. Another major contrast in the documentaries is that editors from Slumming it try to draw our attention the gruesome things laying around in Dharavi like human waste, rubbish tips and animal intestines, where as in the other, it focuses on how the Pollinate energy is improving the slum community’s in India. Even through there are differences in the films, comparisons can still be made, for instance both documentaries shed light on negative factors to those living in slums. Such as the end of Let There Be light when we can see Ashraf dancing but the text informs us that Abdu’s family was sent to prison when they attempted to return to Bangladesh as well as the information shed on vertical slums in

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