Kevin Rudd Sorry Speech Analysis

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Throughout Australian history, the most significant event for both government and Aboriginal people was 2008 Kevin Rudd “sorry speech”, this has meant that the gap between aboriginal people and government became smaller and smaller. From 1910 to 1970, aboriginal people were suffering what the government was inhumanly doing, the government took their children from them without any permission, and force them to learn White culture. This is what caused indigenous’ children and grandchildren to grow in a horrible environment. In 1910, Australia republished a policy named Assimilation, it was based on the idea of black inferiority and white superiority. The purpose of Assimilation was improving the living condition of indigenous children. The past …show more content…

Firstly, their population is growing rapidly. In 2013, their live condition was still harsh, there were 27% of indigenous people still live in remote areas and outlying islands. They belong to the poorest stratum in Australia, with illiteracy rate, unemployment rate and crime rate higher than other communities. But in 2016, the number of indigenous people has increased to 17.8%. That was a huge number. Secondly, the number of people who are speaking indigenous language was increased too. In 2016, 63,754 were speaking indigenous language, that was 5.2% increased from 2011. Thirdly, since 2011 indigenous people are getting into the education system earlier and staying for longer. This is likely to lead to improved socioeconomic outcomes in future. Early childhood education rates have increased 5.0% in 2016. At the secondary school level, have increased 8.5% of Indigenous people aged 15-18 were attending school in 2016. In 2016, 6.6% of Indigenous people aged 15 or more who have completed year 12 from 2011. Also, in 2016, 16.2% of this cohort who were not at secondary school were studying for a tertiary qualification. This is up from 14.1% in 2011. Last thing is the house ownership was increased as well, from 2011 3.2% to 3.6% in 2016, that was not a big number but that mean indigenous people had more right to own a house. We can see, therefore, that the apology to aboriginals by Kevin Rudd was encourage aboriginals to have more right and persuade white society to respect and help aboriginals to make their living condition

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