Kevin Rudd's Speech To The Stolen Generations In Australian Society

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“We say Sorry” Kevin Rudd persistently repeated in his apology speech to The Stolen Generation. Where at least one hundred thousand indigenous children were forcibly removed from their parent’s care, this policy went on for 6 decades (1910 to 1960) this was the result of various government policies introduced in 1910. The children who were affected by this became known as The Stolen Generation. (Australians Together , n.d.) What was the long term of the Stolen Generations in Australian Society and how did this impact reconciliation.? The aim of removing indigenous children was nothing new this had been happening since the 1880s due to the Aboriginal protection board. The assimilation policy introduced by various other policies in the 1910s ordered the removal of indigenous children form their parents care, to force indigenous children to white society and culture. (SKWRIK, n.d.) Indigenous children who had been stolen by the government were forbidden to talk their traditional language and where thought English along with other tasks. (Australians Together , n.d.) Indigenous children were adopted by white families and or placed in government care, nonetheless indigenous children were subjected to …show more content…

Many children do not know who were there real parents, they were simply too young. Ruth is a victim of the stolen generation and this is here story. She was only 4 years old when she was removed from her mother’s care, she was confused to why they would take her away from her mother, restricting contact, when she asked people who worked there, they replied “it’s for your own good”, But Ruth is confused to this day. It is just not Ruth who was confused by thousands of other indigenous children, with much more unpleasant stories, with lifelong scares of the horrors they experienced. (Australians Together , n.d.) (Ruth,

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