Integumentary System Essay

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The integumentary system- This system is overlaying the outer body. • Anatomical location- The integumentary system is superior or external to the body. The organs that make up this system are the skin, glands, nails, hair, and sense receptors. In addition, the skeletal frame is superficial to the cutaneous membrane in the human body. • Key Anatomical features- The skin, nails, hair, and glands. 1. The skin- The cutaneous membrane is the toughest organ that the human body has, and it has three coating layers. One is the epidermis, the next is the dermis, and the last layer is the subcutaneous tissue known as the hypodermis. A. Epidermis - This outer layer has stratified squamous epithelium to keratinize the skin, and to make it solid and strong. The epidermis does not receive or give blood, but it has up to five strata. They are the stratum basale, spinosum granulosum, lucidum, and corneum. Multiple epidermises deliver keratin and the protein allows the epidermis to become a muscular protective coating for the skin. o Stratum basale- These cells are the deepest coating of the epidermis because it is near the dermis. The cells are also attached to the dermis. o Stratum spinosum and stratum granulosum - Both layers are filled with keratin. When the cells leave the granulosum, they drop off and make a way for the stratum lucidum. However, the spinosum is composed of pre-keratin, and the granulosum has cells that are dying because they are far away from the dermal.

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