Key Aspects Of Forensic Toxicology In Popular Crime Shows

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Emma Muller
Forensic Paper Draft
Forensic Theory
Forensic Toxicology

As in various popular crime shows, one of the key aspects in these shows is forensic science. Since there are a multitude of forensic science fields, one in particular involves drug analysis in a legal setting. This type of forensic science is called forensic toxicology. While most of what the crime shows interpret as forensic toxicology isn’t accurate, forensic toxicology is an essential part in a majority of criminal investigations. In terms of the definition of toxicology, it is different depending on the time period yet most of the definitions emphasize that it is the study of adverse effects produced in drugs and chemicals (Lappas 2015). This is confirmed by the Organization of Scientific Area Committees …show more content…

The three main types of forensic toxicology are postmortem forensic toxicology, human performance toxicology, and forensic drug toxicology (OSAC). Postmortem toxicology involves collaborating with pathologists, medical examiners, and coroners to determine the role of alcohol, drug, and poisons if they potentially caused the victim’s death (OSAC). These examinations can be used in natural deaths, suicide, drug overdoses, and unknown causations of death in victims (OSAC). Human performance toxicology is to determine an individual’s behavior and performance when it comes to drugs and alcohol (OSAC). This is used in investigations of child abuse, driving under the influence, sexual assault, and drug crimes (OSAC). Forensic drug toxicology is usually used in workplaces or to show compliance in parole, probation, and athletes which helps ensure safe and unexpected economic consequences that may occur (OSAC). In short, toxicology has broadened its horizons as a science other than just determining the victim’s toxicology

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