Key Concepts And Theories Of Cognitive Psychology

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Unit 9 assignment The key concepts and theories of cognitive psychology Rachel Inskip Submitted for unit 9 of the access to higher education course. Contents Terms of reference The purpose of this report is to cover the major concepts used in the cognitive approach to psychology with a focus on memory and its effect on how we learn and create neuro pathways. It will also include compare and evaluate the multi store memory model and the working memory model. Also included will be a discussion on the use of applied psychology in the field of dementia research, covering how and why some people develop dementia in later life and what can be done to further our understanding the disease and how we could help or even prevent the onset of such …show more content…

These mental processes include attention, perception, memory, recollection, learning and reasoning. The definition of cognition is “The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.” Cognitive psychology intersects with other disciplines such as philosophy, computer science, neuroscience and linguistics. Out of all those mental processes that were mentioned above memory has been of great interest and most researched as it is a very complex topic and is the essence of who we are. Without memories of our experience and what we have learned throughout our lives we would not be the same person we are …show more content…

It also converts written information into articulatory code to transfer to the phonological store. Just as it sounds the Visuo-spatial sketch pad processes visual and spatial information. As we move our position near objects changes and we need to update the information we have about the space for example being aware of where furniture is when we are walking means we don’t bump into things too often. Some researchers generally agree that STM is made up of more than one component. The working memory model has replaced the idea of a one party STM as suggested by the multi store model. The working memory model makes sense of verbal reasoning, comprehension, reading, problem solving and visual and spatial processes. However, there is not much direct evidence that shows how the central executive works and what it does. Working memory also only involves STM and as it doesn’t include LTM or sensory memory it is not seen as a comprehensive model of

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