Key Issues In Counselling

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Key issues, problems and areas of focus in Counselling • Counselling should be a voluntary process: Counselling as a process will be effective only when the clients are co-participants in the process rather than passive recipients of counsellor interventions. The counsellor should act as a facilitator and not force the client to take part in the process. Hence, the person deemed to be seeking help must be willing to engage. • Status of relationship counselling: Couples counselling has one of the lowest ratings in terms of customer satisfaction. A different set of skills is required to work with more than one client at the same time. Hence, conjoint counselling struggles to establish its credibility and does not receive much attention. A lot …show more content…

Personal counselling is more likely than psychotherapy to include para-professionals (such as “pastoral counsellors”), volunteers (such as “Lifeline” counsellors), as well as those whose practices are formally linked to occupational roles (such as employment counsellors) or to responses to a particular class of events (such as grief counsellors). • Views of clients: Those identifying as psychotherapists tend to conceptualise their clients as individuals with psychological disorders or with problems in psychological functioning whereas personal counsellors’ view their clients as functioning individuals who are experiencing difficulties in operating within the circumstances or social contexts in which they find themselves. • Effectiveness: Counselling agencies are thought to be more effective when they are embedded within their communities. They are then more able to appreciate the context of their clients’ difficulties and more able to cross-refer to other relevant agencies or practitioners. The location of psychotherapy agencies on the other hand is thought to have little bearing on the outcome of the psychotherapeutic process. There is a public perception that psychotherapy is less accessible, more expensive and more “middle class” in its focus than …show more content…

Though it might seem that they have nothing left to achieve or everything is going good, they might not be happy with the status quo. Counselling at this age profile requires a huge deal of talking, interaction and understanding of the societal issues and expertise in the professional life. The counsellor should be at least of the age profile of the client or may be older in order to better grasp the situation his/her client is in. Most of the counselling at such an age is mainly couple/family counselling therefore the counsellor could also use member interaction wherein members from the client’s family which are related to the issues could appear in the sessions and talk