Key Milestones After The Cold War

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Since the conclusion of the Cold War, nuclear weapons and worldwide arsenals have undergone tremendous change. Unfortunately, recent events have escalated international tensions and jeopardized the decline of nuclear weapons, despite peace efforts and discussions. Political tensions in the USA, North Korea, China, and Russia have all risen and have created a trend: increasing nuclear arsenals. This trend could potentially lead to a new arms race similar to the Cold War. In the past there have been various treaties and agreements related to the use and manufacturing of nuclear weaponry in order to reduce the number of these destructive instruments. Primarily, organizations such as the United Nations are the ones promoting disarmament. In fact, …show more content…

Countries, instead of focusing on quantity, are focusing on the quality and destructiveness of nuclear bombs. The article, published by the United Nations, describes the history of nuclear disarmament and mentions key milestones. However, reports from the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) have indicated that while the amount of weapons is decreasing, there is still billions of US dollars being allocated towards them, leading to experts predicting that the weapons are evolving and gaining strength. This information signals that the major powerhouses of nuclear development either aren’t trying to show that they are developing more nuclear weapons or that they are preparing for another arms race. Public fear and perceptions of the threat of nuclear warheads can make governments prioritize an increase in spending on nuclear weapons. This fear can lead to a need for nuclear deterrence, which in turn fuels investment and development into advanced nuclear technologies. Billions of people around the world fear the potential damage nuclear warheads can

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