Key Presupposition Of Postmodernism To Marriage And Family Therapy

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Week Two Assignment Language is a communication process with other that identifies meaning and understanding, which give credence through words shaping a person own concept of life reality or individual truth. This key presupposition of postmodernism can be applied to marriage and family therapy by a therapist conceptualizing through the language of the client constructing his/her experiences giving meaning that have shape his/her own concept of life reality or their own individual truth. This bring on another key element of presupposition of postmodernism which aim more toward a personal level. This level is not only focus on life experiences of reality but how a person reality is developed in the various framework of relationship such as family, friends, society and subculture which he/she may be a part of. A therapist can apply this key presupposition of postmodernism to marriage and family therapy by looking at the client relationship with other within the family system and subsystems. When people give meaning to any perspective is always embedded in the intricate web of relationships. The next key of presupposition of postmodernism is a relational level which aim is social constructionism. Having a …show more content…

This is apply to marriage and family therapy by the therapist understanding the client culture traditions so that the therapist can provide a safe and effective interacting process building on client/therapist relationship. The next presupposition of postmodernism is of societal level which is aimed on how reality is being constructed within the confine of culture which provides a certain set of values that its members can use to interpret the meaning of his/her life. This is applied to marriage and family therapy to view the full scope of the client own perspective and distinguish the client identity which might be different from

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