Key Recovery Competencies

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Gaining the key knowledge and competencies in relation to recovery is crucial for professionals, such as Social Workers, to have. Competencies are defined as the skills, attitudes, behaviour and knowledge that is required for mental health practitioners, and these competencies apply to everyone, regardless of culture and age (O’Hagan, 2001). The competencies were established and developed mainly by service users, as their input on their recovery is significant (O’Hagan, 2001). Social Workers in the mental health field have the opportunity to influence and encourage the process of recovery, and it is important to have a positive influence, which is why there are key recovery competencies and knowledge that are required (Harvey, 2006). Past research …show more content…

Guiding, assisting and supporting service users and their families are one of the main roles of Social Workers. Their role is not about the clinical factors and medical aspect of recovery, it is more about taking care of the service users’ wellbeing, as having a healthy wellbeing is very crucial for recovery; it is not just about the medical aspects by also examining what else they need aside from that (Anthony, 1993). It is important for Social Workers to foster and support the CHIME (Connectedness, Hope and optimism about the future, Identity, Meaning making and Empowerment) recovery processes in working alongside people with mental illness, as these five elements are crucial for recovery and Social Workers’ role is to make sure that service users’ have CHIME (Bird et al., 2011). It is also the Social Worker’s role to provide a strengths-based practice, which means that Social Workers’ are to focus on the strengths of service users and to build on those as a way of recovery (Harvey, 2006). It is also important for Social Workers to engage with service users in a positive way, not having the power over them but have the power with them (Anthony, …show more content…

Everyone’s recovery journey is different, which is why it is important to look at the individual and consider what interventions best suit service users, as a good intervention for someone may be a bad one for another person. Recovery starts when people realize that each individual’s recovery differs and is unique (Bland & Wyder, 2014). It is important for Social Workers to establish a positive relationship with service users and to understand that family participation is really important for recovery, as they are one of the biggest and most important support service users’ need, and acknowledging this will also lead to a more effective and appropriate interventions (Anthony, 1993). It is alothe Social Workers role to support service users’ families as well, as they may need assistance themselves (Bland & Wyder, 2014). The notion that service users are in charge and own their recovery journeys in personal recovery may suggest that families do not have a part or a place in a family member’s recovery and that they are not helpful or useful, which raises questions about the real role of family members in recovery (Bland & Wyder, 2014). The strong focus of self-determination and