The Union of Soviet Socialists Republic, also known as the Soviet Union, started in the year of 1922. The Soviet Union was founded by the Bolsheviks, a faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. The Bolsheviks was led by Vladimir Lenin which meant that he was also the first leader of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union led by Lenin was solely focused upon the ideology of Marxism. The ideology focuses on everybody receives an equal amount in everything, also known as Communism. As time passed Vladimir Lenin died two years later in 1924 from a stroke on January 21st, 1924. Stalin then took over the Soviet Union, kept ideals of Marxism and Lenin and made very successful growth in the Industry, but decreased the quality of life …show more content…
He was loyal under the dictatorship of Stalin. Once Stalin died however, Khrushchev didn’t come into power, but Malenkov did. Khrushchev quickly turned and created a coalition of politicians to force Malenkov out of power that controlled the Soviet Union. Malenkov gave up the position with the idea of sharing political power. At that point, Khrushchev knew he won. In replacement of Malenkov, five people in that position. Over time Khrushchev was the powerhouse of that five-man group and took office by himself. Khrushchev then began the “De-Stalinization Process”. It began with a speech in 1956 where he called out Stalin for taking advantage of his power to remove his opponents and taking advantage of the overall Communist party. Khrushchev de-Stalinization process consisted of increasing agricultural output and raising living standards. Also, he cut down on the strength of the Soviet Union’s secret police, released innocent prisoners, freed up artist censorship, and let the country accept tourists. However, with good comes with the bad. Khrushchev also allowed the building of the Berlin Wall and had problems with the US during the Cold War. In the 1960s Khrushchev started to Criticize Mao Zedong and caused a break in alliance with China. Being separated from China and having food shortages led to reduced legitimacy with higher ranked Soviet officials. These Soviet officials were already somewhat annoyed by how Khrushchev cut their power. Eventually, Khrushchev was forced to resign in October