
Killings In Lord Of The Flies

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Golding was a British school teacher, a writer, and he also fought in World War II. After seeing the atrocities of war, especially of the Nazis, he was inspired to write a book to show how horrible people are. This book is called Lord of the Flies. It is about a group of british schoolboys that got stuck on an island and flip out In his novel, Lord of the Flies, William Golding warns us about civilization through the use of killings to show us men's violent nature; Jack to depict man's hunger for power; and the kids losing their minds and having a behavior change, to illustrate how quickly human beings can lose it. Killings were used in the book Lord of the Flies to show us men's violent nature. The group of British schoolboys went from proper kids to hunters. In the book, oone of the first attempts of murder was when the boys killed a pig for food. While they were killing the pig, the boys were chanting,comma “Kill the pig, Cut her throat. Spill her blood”(Golding 69). period This shows the savagery and the …show more content…

The boys displayed these two acts more and more as the story progressed. The boys went crazy because they did not have any parental figures or any adults for discipline. This caused the boys to first split into different groups which were Jack's tribe and Ralph's tribe. In Jack's tribe, the boys went from being proper British boys to hunters. The boys first hunted a pig and then that turned into the boy's throwing rocks at each other and going after anything “[they] can hunt and kill” (Golding 142) . After hunting, the boys turned into savages, killing Simon because they resorted to violence first without even thinking or taking a second to look at what was running down the mountain. After killing Simon, the next poor thing was when Roger killed Piggy. When Piggy was killed, it ditched all sense of reason on the

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