Kindergarten Personal Statement

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Throughout my time as a student here in Cobb County I have been so eager to learn. In fact, I can remember one day back in Kindergarten, I begged my parents to go to school even though I was sick. Since then the love for education has only grown. Through elementary school and now in middle school I have loved school and all that comes with it. There isn't a class I don't like and I enjoy almost any task I am assigned. I know I will prosper in such a diverse educational environment because I see myself in the qualities you describe to be your students. One thing that changed grew my love for science was when my parent bought be a subscription to Popular Science. Now I could look at thousands of innovations and discoveries in science and math every month. I haven't stopped reading since. I also owe my love of science to my Kindergarten teacher. At the end of the year she gave me five or six space puzzles. When she did this she gave me something to learn about and I couldn't stop watching the Science Channel's shows about space. Even now I love to look up new inventions and innovations, not because I have to, but because I am incredibly curious about what is going on around me. …show more content…

It was a Sudoku puzzle. I would spend all of my free time trying to figure out the problems. Now in middle school it has translated into different things. Now when an electronic device or something else is broken or isn't working, I am always called on, and I love it. I love solving problems because the feeling is so rewarding at the end when you know you've accomplished

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