Kindertransport Essay

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To begin, the Kindertransport was a group of rescue efforts that were planned to save Jewish children under the age of seventeen. The book, Rescuing the Children by Deborah Hodge states, “In the nine months before World War II, nearly ten thousand Jewish children were transported out of Nazi Europe and sent to safety in Britain” (Hodge). These children were separated from their family by choice. Their parents either decided it would be better for their children to go to Great Britain from areas that Germany has control over and Jews were being persecuted. Also, children whose parents were in concentration camps and homeless children had priority. Children would go to trains with the one suitcase they were permitted and would leave their families behind. Consequently, the children never saw their family again. After the war, most of the children went to America, Canada, or stayed in Great Britain. The programs were designed by organizations inside the Greater German Reich. Organizations that were involved in the transport include the Reich Representation of Jews in Germany- located in Berlin- and the Jewish Community Organization (Kultusgemeinde)- located in Vienna. The transports began after Kristallnacht, when the British government eased their …show more content…

She was put on the Kindertransport a year after her brother and separated from her family in Nazi, Germany. She never saw her family after the war and had no idea if they were alive. After the war, she decided to become an author and published her first novel, My Heart in a Suitcase, in 1996. This book was a memoir about her life during World War II and her experience with the Kindertransport. Afterwards, the story was turned into a play with the same name shortly. This play is still played in schools today. Anne Lehmann also co-wrote Ten Thousand Children: True Stories Told by Children Who escaped the Holocaust on the

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