King Arthur Huntley Sparknotes

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Huntley explores the true history of the legends of King Arthur by analyzing the reconstruction of events and people in the book King Arthur: The True Story, by Graham Phillips and Martin Keatman. Huntley also goes on to explore the history of a fictional King Arthur known as Riothamus as per the book: History of the Kings of Britain by Geoffrey of Monmouth. King Arthur is said to be the most famous and loved King in British History. The legends of King Arthur spread abruptly throughout the middle ages with other elements such as the Knights of Roundtable, Beautiful Queen Guinevere, the Quest for the Holy Grail, and the fictional court at Camelot added along the way. The real name of the historical Arthur was Owain Ddantgwyn. He was a king of the kingdom of Powys during the 5th century which had become dominant in the Celtic principality. Owain is remembered to have united the two conflicting parties in the island. …show more content…

Arthur meant “bear” in the Celtic language. Arthur was an ally to the British empire. The historical Arthur was born in 460, as the prince of the Kingdom of Gwynedd. He commanded many victorious battles and succeeded the King of Powys and thus inheriting the ceremonial sword called Caliburn. In 493, he was victorious in the Battle of Badon. Arthur’s capital was Viroconium, which was rejuvenated when it became the capital of Powys. Today, Viroconium is under the protection of English Heritage and is characterized by walls and foundations of a huge Roman bath complex located at the heart of the city. King Arthur’s round table is located in the Fortress of Carleon located further south of Viroconium. This was the location of the Battle of the City of the

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