King Louis Xiv Research Paper

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Louis XIV was born on September 5, 1638, in Saint-Germaine-en-Laye, France. He became king in 1643. In 1661, he started to improve France. Louis was always in a war with someone. By the 1680s, Louis XIV generated public hostility or conflicts. He died in Versailles, France, on September 1, 1715. King Louis XIV would disagree with Dalai Lama’s quote “In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher." (Dalai Lama, Tibetan leader,1935-) By the 1680s, Louis XIV had begun public hostility, to establish religious uniformity throughout France. The king was a Catholic, and formerly granted the Huguenots rights as a religious majority. Under the order of Fontainebleau, Louis XIV arranged the destruction of Protestant churches and schools