Siddhartha Research Paper

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47.Buddha 71
King Siddhartha, son of Suuddhona ruled over Lichhavi clan and Kapilavastu as its capital. Siddhartha (his given name), was bereaved of his mother Maha Maya when he was six days old infant, his father married sister-in-law Mahāpajāpatī and she decided not to bore any child feared could not do a justice to sister’s son! She loved him more than her mother and left no stone unturned in his upbringing. Gautama (his family name) Sakyamuni (sage of the Sakya) and Tathagata (a title of Buddha)
Traditionally it is believed the astrologers have said to his father that he should not be allowed to see a dead body, a Stickman, an old man a sannyasa. If he remains in the king he may become the king of the world if he renounce, he will be enlightened, so if you manage to keep him away from these things, he will never renounce the kingdom, the father bought most …show more content…

King Siddhartha didn’t give any clue to his wife and son of his renunciation of knighthood and left alone to seek a salvation to misery and agony encountered by the Individuals. If determined, he would have ruled his state until his last breath because there was no brother to challenge his