Kite Runner Betrayal Analysis

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Betrayal: Kite Runner Betrayal is the form of committing a dishonest or treacherous act against something or someone that means a lot to you. Betrayal plays an important part in the Kite Runner as redemption does also guilt. Throughout the book “Kite Runner” By Khaled Hosseini betrayal was expressed numerous amounts of times from Amir, Hassan, Baba and Sanaubar. It can be argued that betrayal can be shown in many different ways, and that deception of a loved one in any way is equally horrible. Hassan which was one of the main characters in Kite Runner was betrayed by many people throughout the book. Amir, Hassan's half-brother and best friend betrayed Hassan a countless amount of times. It was shown when Amir came to find Hassan being raped …show more content…

Sanaubar is a common harlot, who is known a lot from the soldiers because she pleasures the soldiers sexually. She betrays Ali, by cheating on him with Baba and the soldiers and while cheating with Baba she became pregnant, which was Hassan. Sanaubar betrays Hassan by refusing to touch him and then leaving her family a week later by running off with a group of singers and dancers. Since Ali is sterile, it is possible that he may have wanted a son his previous marriage produced no children as well and what better choice to turn to than his oldest friend, Baba. It is also possible that Baba's encounter with Sanaubar was a one-time thing, meant to produce the child that Ali had wanted. Of course, this could also be a form of betrayal if Baba was in love with her, but that is highly unlikely; and Sanaubar's bad reputation may also be considered a form of betrayal toward Baba, since rumors of her other affairs could have brought disgrace to his home. Many years later, Sanaubar apologizes for her past sins by returning to Baba's home, where she reunited with …show more content…

I feel as though most of the betrayal shown in this story wasn’t meant to actually happen the way it did. They felt like some stuff was meant to happen to have a better outcome. As they had said in the story about sacrifice. Some things might was bad for them to do but they did it just to try to please somebody else or better yet to please themselves. Quoted by Martin Luther King Jr. “We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of