Ku Klux Klan Essay

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The Ku Klux Klan, also known as the KKK is a notorious hate group that is deeply rooted in the history of the United States. The group has been considered a domestic terrorist group as well due to their involvemnet in multiple acts of violence and terrorism. It is a well known fact that the KKK targets multiple backgrounds from Black Americans to Jewish people, immigrants and even members of the LGBTQ community. People often hear about this infamous group through references in songs, films or social media. But not many understand the long dark past behind the KKK and why their beliefs stem from hatred. This essay highlights the origins, ideology and impact the KKK has left on society throughout the decades.
During the year 1866 in Pulaski, Tennessee the Ku Klux Klan was formed by six Confederate veterans after the Civil War. The name is derived from the Greek word kyklos which translates to …show more content…

Members of the group would commit a number of terrible crimes against newly freed African Americans. They would often partake in night raids which involved Klansmen violently whipping and killing a number of freedmen. The horror did not end there unfortunately. White supporters were involved in numerous acts of violence and terrorism including lynchings, home invasions, bombings and arson attacks. Another example were the infamous cross burnings which is a symbol of racial hatred. Oftentimes, these acts took place near the homes of the individuals to further intimidate other African Americans. The KKK leader, Bedford ordered branches to disband in 1869 due to the excessive violence. In 1882, the Supreme Court finally declared the Ku Klux Klan unconstitutional in the case of United States v. Harris. But the first era of the KKK came to an end already when Jim Crow laws secured white suprmacy across the nation. The group had disappeared because their objectives were