Kudzu Vine Research Paper

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The Kudzu vine is an extremely belligerent and invasive plant that can grow out of control once established. Kudzu overtakes and covers all plants in its path which results in the elimination of native plant species. It can cover trees and block out the light needed for the photosynthesis process or damage the limbs of the tree with the intense weight of the vines. It also has the capability to leave land worthless for agriculture or forestry. This amazing and terrifying vine covers the South and is spreading throughout the country at an incredible rate. ("The Growing Problem of Kudzu.")

The Kudzu vine, known as the Pueraria montana in scientific terms, is a semi-woody perennial plant. It originated from parts of Asia, primarily from China …show more content…

Kudzu impacts the local flora with intense negative results. The vine has the ability to enclose stems and tree trunks, break branches and even uproot trees and shrubs through the mass vegetation that is being produced. This “invader” of ecosystems is able to spread by both vertical and horizontal means which smothers all the other plants in a thick covering of stems and leaves. This process blocks the light from reaching the plants, causing them to be unable to undergo photosynthesis. There is a very small percentage of plants that can be subjected to such low light conditions. The weight of the Kudzu on plants is enough to stunt growth and even break branches. The accumulation of these effects contribute to the ever decreasing plant diversity in a region that has been overtaken by this highly invasive species. Kudzu is able to outcompete bushes and shrubs; limiting food sources and vital shelter to a number of native fauna. The limitation on plant diversity that Kudzu has caused will eventually limit the animal diversity. The Kudzu problem continues to grow, both literally and figuratively. "The total area infested by Kudzu is larger than the state of Vermont, with the heaviest infestations of Kudzu occurring in Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi. Although most Kudzu is found in the Southeast, recent sightings have been made as far north as Massachusetts and as far west as Texas and …show more content…

(2016, May 02). Retrieved April 26, 2016, from http://mdc.mo.gov/sites/default/files/resources/2011/06/kudzusheet_06-30-11_0.pdf

Invasive Species: Plants - Kudzu (Pueraria montana var. lobata). (2016, May 02). Retrieved April 26, 2016, from https://www.invasivespeciesinfo.gov/plants/kudzu.shtml

The Growing Problem of Kudzu. (2016, May 02). Retrieved May 02, 2016, from http://kudzusolutions.web.unc.edu/issues/

U. (2007). Kudzu. Retrieved May 02, 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLH1qLCvqSg

The Growing Problem of Kudzu. (n.d.). Retrieved May 02, 2016, from http://kudzusolutions.web.unc.edu/solutions/

Norris, L. (2007). Kudzu Eating Goats. Retrieved May 05, 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4e4uf0WCu4#t=17

Kudzu's invasion into Southern United States life and culture. (n.d.). Retrieved May 02, 2016, from

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