Kurt Cobain Research Paper

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This day in history I will be talking about the talented yet troubled grunge performer, Kurt Cobain and how he became a rock legend in the 1990s with his band, Nirvana. In 1988, he started the grunge band Nirvana. Nirvana made the leap to a major label in 1991, singing with Geffen Records. Just like most rock and rollers he was using drugs. He had an addiction to heroin along with his girlfriend Courtney love she also had an addiction as well but cleaned herself up but for Kurt Cobain he was high most of the time he went to a rehab in los Angeles but checked himself out just a few days later. This led to depression and he attempted suicide on March 4, 1994 and several other times. But on April 5, 1994, he succeeded this time in the guest house behind his Seattle home, 27-year old Kurt Cobain committed suicide. He left a lengthy suicide note in which he addressed his many fans as well as his wife and young daughter Francis Cobain. Jazmin Francis Prd3 Mr. Montgomery World history Kurt Cobain Singer, songwriter Kurt Donald Cobain was born on February 20, …show more content…

He then put a shotgun in his mouth and he pulled the trigger and died instantly. After that his wife was put on watch so she doesn’t do anything to herself. She left a suicide note and dedicated it to his wife and his daughter and to all his beloved fans. Everyone was in shock when they found out what happened. At his funeral his wife read the suicide letter out loud and there was thousands of people and fans listening. He became a suicide legacy and is a legend to many after the whole tragic incident they asked his wife what she would do if he came back. She said “I’d love him then kill him myself” they asked his daughter and she said she didn’t know him. Kurt Cobain is a inspiration to many and loved by many he is a legend and will never be

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