Kurt Vonnegut's Postmodernism: Artistic Styles, And Perspectives

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Postmodernism refers to an attitude and philosophy guiding artistic styles and perspectives in order to understand and explain reality. It is believed to have mainly emerged and become prominent in the literary and artistic fields sometime after the Second World War. It encompassed the ideal that anything can be interpreted in an infinite number of possible ways. Thus, through analyzing a particular text creatively, we can all have different and new interpretations about it. No interpretation is definitely more suitable regarding the overall meaning; any form of interpretation contributes to the creation of the text. Similarly, postmodern art expresses a broader concept by focusing more in terms of utility and form. Postmodernists not only critique and reject a singular interpretation; they also focused less on traditional ideals and forms. Indeed, it is hard to provide a set definition to postmodern art, since pieces often stressed diversity, imagination, and originality above all other concepts and are unique in its own way. In many ways, postmodernism is perceived as a direct contrast to modernism and postmodern artists embody a large sense of rebellion seen explicitly in their works. (Postmodern Powerpoint)
In terms of literature, writers during the postmodernism period used a lot of play and irony as the main themes and juxtaposed fiction with non-fiction. (Postmodernism Powerpoint) For example, in Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five, the reader finds that the main