La Haine: Film Analysis

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The French Hip-hop is highly associated with African roots. The arrival of the minority groups in France was as a result of the past French slavery and colonialization. The initial immigrant community in France was established in the eighteenth century and intensified during the two decades of the World War II. The economic explosion that superseded this war created a need for workforce, which greatly surpassed the national potential, and the government’s resolution was immigration on a grand scale (Helenon 156). As a result of colonial links to Africa and the Caribbean, the French government fundamentally, but not exclusively, enlisted from these regions and organized migration to continental France. Through immigration, the immigrants took over the hip-hop music songs as a tool to respond to current challenges and address the …show more content…

The film’s plot is in low rented housing projects commonly referred to as banlieues whose inhabitants are mainly immigrant laborers from France colonies majorly in the Northern and Western parts of Africa as well as Asia. These immigrants represent the communities that were brought in the nation to rebuild it after the World War II.
The first form of challenge faced by the youth is the police brutality that is experienced all through the plot of the film. In the film, the banlieues also demonstrates the challenges that the main characters, who are youth go through. There is a clear picture of a failed urban environment with dreadful housing (Daley). Throughout the film, there is a dwelling where the main activities involve illegal activities like selling of drugs and Hubert’s gymnasium. Schooling in the area is also not significant since none of the characters attends school despite being of