La Primavera La Primavera, also known as the Allegory of Spring, is a beautiful painting by Sandro Botticelli. It depicts several people, mostly female, doing a myriad of things in the woods. At first glance, it appears as though the artist is merely depicting a scene he witnessed, however further examination reveals that Botticelli appears to have been personifying the seasons while placing emphasis and importance on spring in particular. As one looks at La Primavera, the eye is first drawn towards the central figure. It would seem this is by design, as the formation of the trees behind her form an arch, or perhaps a halo, around her. The stance, with her head tilted to the side, combined with the halo like effect of the trees behind her, conjure images of Byzantine art depicting of religious figures in similar manner. Further framing her figure is the space between her and the other figures depicted, as well as the distance between the bottom of the painting and her feet. This space is unique in the painting as all the other figures are standing very close together or touching and they are portrayed as being closer to the painter, giving the illusion that the central figure is on a pedestal. Completing the frame around Botticelli’s central figure is the depiction of Cupid above her. …show more content…
Her clothing is bright and, unlike all but one of the other females, it is solid. Everything about the central character symbolizes the spring season. Spring is often described as a time of new life, love, and hope. The central figure appears to pregnant, indicating fertility and new life, Cupid’s placement above her means love is in the air, and all above her there is fruit in the trees. Botticelli appears to be placing the utmost importance on Spring by almost worshipping