Lack Of Confidence In Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

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Last but not least, Odysseus and I show confidence in lots of different ways. During the Odyssey, Odysseus is put into many situations where most people would just hang their head and give up. However, he stayed pretty positive. First, after Odysseus and his men escaped from the cyclopes by making a huge wooden spear then they “rammed it straight in his crater eye” (906) Once Odysseus was safe on his ship, he started yelling back to the Cyclops, “tell [them] Odysseus, raider of the cites, took you eye”. He had no problem with owning up to what he did. Secondly, when Odysseus came home from his 20 year adventure, his wife was holding a contest to see who her next husband was going to be. In the contest the men had to string Odysseus’ huge bow