Lady Gaga Research Paper

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Why do we act differently with different people? When we interact with different people we start to act like them. Humans are social creatures, but this seems dishonest. We are always being told to be ourselves yet we can act like three different people or whoever we interact with. We don't have multiple personality disorder. This is called a personality schema. A personality will slightly differ between the people interacting with, to connect more. This slight personality change while noticeable usually happens unconsciously. However, it is also very common to consciously change your personality. There are many reasons why someone would want to do this. To become more likable, hide something about himself, insecurity and more reasons as well. …show more content…

Lady Gaga is perceived as a monstrous or crazy performer. This is due to her songs, music videos, and daily appearance. She gives off a vibe that says you should be yourself. Her wildness in the way she dresses or the songs she sings gives the media someone to bash. They call her names such as transgender and others. This didn't stop her from acting monstrously. She shows that the aspects of one's character that aren't normal. Does not mean they aren't ok. She shows that the way you act should only be determined by you and not other people. Lady Gaga (348 Sara Colvin) “Lady gaga illuminates the average person's capacities to recognize, understand, and feel monstrous”. Everybody is different, some people have one little quirk or a lot of quirks. She encourages people to be themselves, by using an exaggerated persona to make her fans feel more comfortable. She gives her fans an “ok” to be themselves, no matter how weird or not normal that is. Lady Gaga’s persona had a positive …show more content…

In the current era, one of the most popular forms of music is rap and hip-hop. Most popular among the younger generations. Most of the rappers create personas to become more famous and to make a larger profit by building a fanbase. Regarding the in an article entitled: The Art of Fan Manipulation, the author spoke on the personas on rappers and hip hop artists. “It’s unavoidable that we are hip-hop connecting with a highly-manicured brand rather than a real and true portrayal of who an artist is. It’s also unavoidable that artists will continue to find new ways to manipulate their fans”. Most rappers have a persona. It's just how they brand themselves and how they make money. Although the personas are very dangerous. Rappers personas are usually that, they are gangbangers, they don't treat women with respect, they chase money more than anything and they genuinely don't care. These personas obviously are dangerous and not very positive influences. Sadly, the younger generations listen to these personas and build up their fan bases. So, these young kids will start thinking and acting like these

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