Lady Macbeth Essay

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Lady Macbeth is presented originally as ambitious and many modern audiences would interpret her as a feminist figure. They would interpret her as this because she demonstrates three main characteristics: empowerment, equality, and her improvement of her role in society. She first starts off the play being the wife of the Thane of Glamis. The play finishes when she is queen and holds the most power in Scotland. She gains this empowerment by the murders of Duncan that she led with the help of her husband, Macbeth. She is also seen as an equal to Macbeth at the beginning of the play. Macbeth includes her in the murders and calls her his “partner in greatness”. Leading towards the end of play, Macbeth doesn’t include her but she still holds her power by trying to cover up for Macbeth. She has a very prominent role in society as she is able to give instructions to men who are significant military figures. Lady Macbeth is interpreted as a feminist figure because she improves her life through her determination to be seen as an equal. …show more content…

Lady Macbeth starts off the play being the wife to the Thane of Glamis. Thus meaning she has only been given very little authority. Early on in the play it is shown that Lady Macbeth has a clear intention to rise to the top and become the queen of Scotland. She is so passionate about becoming queen that she says she would, “take that baby while it was smiling at me, pull my nipple out of its mouth, and smash its brains out, if I had sworn to kill it as you have sworn to do this deed.” Women back then didn’t have any rights or had a significant role in society. However, Lady Macbeth being queen would give her an opportunity to show that she was relevant. This demonstrates that she is seen as a modern day feminist because she wants to have as much power as her