Lady Macbeth Figurative Language Essay

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Lady Macbeth effectively emotionally manipulates Macbeth through her speech. In “Macbeth”, written by Shakespeare, Lady Macbeth motivates Macbeth to murder Duncan by damaging his ego. To begin, Lady Macbeth uses personification to amplify her argument. In Macbeth. 1.7. Line 39, she questions, “Was the hope drunk”. Previously in the story, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth orchestrated a plan to kill Duncan and were both in agreement (& equipped to carry out such a scheme). Macbeth gave her false hope in the consensus they once had. When one is drunk, they are prone to grandiose or even egregious statements, as their mind is in a temporary state of delusion. By asking if the hope was drunk, she is pondering his reliability and capability to make a decision. Overall, this essentially tells Macbeth to make up his mind. To continue, Lady Macbeth uses symbolism to exploit Macbeth. In Macbeth. 1.7. Lines 64-68, she avows, “I would…had I so sworn as you have done to this”. By claiming this, she insinuates she is more man than Macbeth (as she can keep her word). Thus, feeding off his …show more content…

He uses remorseful diction to indicate empathy. In Macbeth. 1.7. Line 24, he states, “Shall blow the horrid deed in every eye”. With this, he recognizes the act as being morally wrong. In which, would subconsciously alert himself, in the event he went through with it, that he is a nefarious man. Consequently, Macbeth would not go through with the act if he wishes not to be deemed despicable. Macbeth also uses symbolism to further convince himself. In Macbeth 1.7. Lines 10-11, he declares, “This even handed justice commends th’ ingredience of our poisoned chalice”. So what did he mean? In the justice system, if you commit a crime; you face punishment. Essentially, he is reminding himself that his actions have consequences and he will eventually find his karma. In the end, this would cause him not to act on homicidal

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