Lady Macbeth Theme

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The Theme of The Tragedy of Macbeth so far is the traditional (17th century) views of masculine and feminine behavior. One event that shows the theme is when Lady Macbeth is talking to supernatural beings. She asks them to “unsex” her and fill her “ from crown to toe top-full of direst cruelty” (Act 1:scene 5:lines 46-48). This shows the theme because it is implying that men are filled with cruelty and have no remorse. Another place in the story the theme is shown is when Lady Macbeth is criticizing Macbeth for being too cowardly and not being strong enough to do what needs to be done. She says,”when you durst do it, then you were a man.” (Act 1:scene 7:line 54). In this scene the theme is shown because Lady Macbeth calls her husband unmasculine

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