Lake Of Fire Research Paper

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strength through the Lord, of both God and man in spiritual warfare against the avenger, which is Satan. Many Christians are blinded by Satan and his devils thinking they are created for their own good pleasure, while God says He created them for His good pleasure. Could this be why there are so many dying or dead Christians filling church pews?

The ungodly live in a wretched state, trying to pacify their anguished soul and believing that death will bring an end in the grave. The ungodly work to achieve such a state by striving to shut out any mention of God or His purpose in them, yet their minds and their hearts cannot be brought into unity with each other. When death and Hell shall be cast into the Lake of Fire there will be no glory …show more content…

From absolutely nothing, God created dust. He fashioned the most precious, most elevated, most prized, most focal point of His Creation into a skillfully designed lifeless form of His specifications. God then breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul (Genesis 2:7,8,15).

God, knowing all things, in His foreknowledge made plans for man. He knew mankind would exercise his God-given free will, would fall, and corrupt God's pollution free world. Before time began, God planned a way to redeem sinful man by the way of the old, rugged cross, through the eternal sacrifice of His Son whose blood cleanses from all sin. There was no other way to

12 reconcile man to God. John 3:16 makes known the great love of God for mankind in giving His only begotten …show more content…

God created Adam to be the representative of all mankind (Romans 5:12-15). Regardless if maintaining the garden or whatever man would do he is the representative of all mankind. Whatever held true for Adam would be passed on down to all mankind. God gave Adam a free will to make decisions. When drawn by the Holy Spirit, God does not violate the God-given-free will of mankind but gives freedom of the will to receive or reject His offer of salvation in His Son. To reject His offer is to accept hell and for eternity the Lake of Fire. In such a place mankind will live without the love of God and the bountiful blessings that await the son adopted into His family. There will be no friends, no parties, no love or loved ones, no pleasure of sin with the season passed; there will be screaming, constant ear-splitting screaming in torment, never consumed, unceasing, and eternal. The fool will forever receive that which was right in his own eyes, forever remembering the corruption of the world, of boldly declaring he did not want to hear the gospel, of ignoring the words of the Faithful and Righteous Judge that said “For the wages of sin is death;” Romans 6:23a, and having forfeited the blessings that could have been received when told “...the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” Romans 6:23b. Yes, the decision of a fool is easy to see. God does not want any to serve Him