Lakota Tribe Essay

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There are many Native American tribes in America that are memorable for different reasons. One of the most memorable tribes in America, though, is the Lakota indian tribe. The location, terrain, and natural resources of the Lakota indians influenced how they lived. The original homeland of the Lakota indians were in what is now Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. There was also the tribe’s presence in Iowa, Nebraska, Montana, Northern Illinois, and South-Central Canada. In modern times they are mostly in the Dakotas, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Saskatchewan. It was very hilly and rocky in the Black Hills of the Dakotas, but there were also plains in many of the regions the Lakota indians thrived. The Lakota indians lived off …show more content…

Children would constantly learn from their elders everyday in preparation for their future of being an adult. May that be learning how to do crafts or hunting, children were raised always learning in some way. Doing chores, helping their parents would show the children what they would need to know for adulthood. Lakota women were known for their porcupine quillwork and bead work. Lakota men were known for their detailed buffalo-hide paintings. Lakota artisans also made pottery, parfleche or traditional Native American beaded bags, and ceremonial peace pipes from catlinite or red clay. Many Lakota indian children went hunting and fishing with their fathers. Although, like many tribes, Lakota children had more chores and very little time to play. When the children did have time to play, the children would play with their dolls and other toys. Some older boys, however, played lacrosse. Music is very important to any tribal group of native Americans. The drum not only is a musical instrument but it carries cultural and spiritual value along with it. In fact, it is believed that the drum is the heartbeat of the Native American nation. Learning can be impactful when wonderful, inspirational people are apart of the