Lance Armstrong Vs. Lance Armstrong

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vParis vs Lance armstrong We live in a world where people are lacking the awareness of multiple things. In two stories “Lance Armstrong” and “Black Ships Before Troy”, the characters Paris (BSBT) and Lance Armstrong, both share the character trait of ignorance. Both characters show no care for the negative effects their actions can cause . Although they share a similarity they are also different in many ways. Lance confronts challenges with threats and intimidation, in a bullying nature. Paris confronts his situations in a cowardly manner. In ‘Black Ships Before Troy” and “Lance Armstrong”both characters, Lance and Paris show ignorance. Paris is ignorant t on page 10, it illustrates “[ Paris ] always got what he wanted”. This quote is important because it shows how Paris only paid attention to what he wanted(Helen) …show more content…

For instance Achilles shouts “ what coward has smitten me from afar” after Paris shoots him with an arrow. To understand this concept, one must see that Paris is a coward because arrows are long range weapons. To put in another way Paris was afraid to go into the battle because he would be confronted by Achilles. The book also demonstrates how Paris is a coward on page 26. It demonstrates “ Paris, seeing who came against him, felt his heart shrink within him, from shame as much as fear, and fell back in the ranks of the Trojan host”. To simplify,the trait of a coward is shown because Paris was hiding behind the army for protection instead of facing the man he feared. Reflecting back To sum it up, the fact that Lance didn't mind what the PEDS could do to him or his teammates, and that Paris stole the queen from a superior Greek army, shows ignorance in both of them. Lance Armstrong’s tactics of threats and intimidation proves he is a bully. Paris was never able to confront a warrior in the Greek army, which shows he's a