Langston Hughes Inspiration

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Inspiration Throughout The Decades Langston Hughes once said “In writing truthfully about the life of the Negro people and the relationships of negroes and whites, in this country, it helps to teach Negro children that there is a culture among their own people. Therefore I think that Negro writers help to uplift the whole mass of the people” (Voices and Visions). Langston Hughes was born on February 1, 1902 in Missouri and grew up in the Midwest. His father was a lawyer who left the United States to live in Mexico when he was a child. Both Hughes mother and father were unsupportive in his venture to become a writer (Voices and Visions). Without the support of his parents Langston Hughes would prove himself to be a valid, successful, …show more content…

In these first four words of the poem Hughes is perhaps trying to depict a person that is wanting to be recognized. This person is tired of being overlooked stating “look at me I am here and I count, pay attention to me I have been ignored but now is my time to speak”. The singing mentioned could either be interpreted as a joyful or sorrowful outcry. The poem continues, “I am the darker brother.” (2). The “darker brother” that is mentioned could be left up to interpretation, and is possibly pointing out that all people that are not white are affected. Racism in America has never been, and still is not, solely based on one specific race. There are significant challenges for all people who are considered different, especially those who are not a white American heterosexual males. The poem continues to tell a story about a man who is asked to leave the table when company arrives, and is made to eat in the kitchen, “They send me to eat in the kitchen/When company comes,/But I laugh,/And I eat well,/And grow strong.” (3-8). At this point in the poem Hughes beings to touch on the subject of segregation, the word “They” is referencing white people. The persona in the poem is forced to leave but only in the presence of company. People react to social situations in a different way when in the presence of others. In 1926 a person who would have had no problem eating with an African American man in the privacy of his or her own home, could be socially expected or embarrassed to do so in the presence of others. Though the segregation of a person based on race is a disturbing act, the persona in the poem seems unfazed by it. The persona laughs, eats well, and grows strong, essentially this man is accustom to being treated as a lesser human being. He seems to be unfazed by this act, and he has an understanding of these rules. If people are treated