Language Of The Bush Chapter Summaries

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Tori Adams Dr. Busby ENG 231 16 February 2024 Language of the Bush The topic I have chosen to talk about today is how reading this book can open up people's eyes about how they view animals. This book is a very good children's book. The book is about a little girl who takes on an adventure through an Australian bush and finds a new friend, a kangaroo. The kangaroo offers her a special berry which allows Dot to communicate with the animals. Obviously this created a problem with Dot's language because the berry only lasts for a certain amount of time, so when it wears off she won't be able to understand them. The kangaroo says, “you must not eat any more of these berries”. If Dot ate too many of them, the kangaroo said she would learn too much and be miserable. Dot …show more content…

I feel like in today's world if there was some kind of berry we could eat to understand animals it would give everyone a different perspective about them. There are so many people who do horrible things to animals and who mistreat them, but if we could talk to them, maybe people would treat animals with kindness like Dot did. People might realize that humans and animals are more alike than we think. I think that animals have a personality and should be treated with respect just like humans expect to be treated. In conclusion, Dot was able to talk to the animals only because she ate the berries, but the kangaroo made sure she ate just enough and not too much. This enabled Dot to see a whole new world and get a look inside the animals lives. Her family even changed their perspective on animals after Dot told them about her adventure with the animals. Her dad had said how he had hunted and killed animals before and how he would never do it again. Her mom wanted to protect the animals and make sure they were never harmed. I feel as humans we should all be able to experience what Dot got to experience, because the world may be a better