Laudatio Of The City Of Florence Bruni Summary

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Leonardo Bruni represents one of earliest signs of humanism in Italian political society. His value of structure and liberty mimics much of the classical Greek political systems. This idea of civic humanism being applied to a republic provided the checks and balances of a democracy while retaining societal status. Also in this system the role of the church is increasingly separated from the role of the state. Individuals are chosen based on the concepts of equal representation to avoid tyranny and not divine clerical control of masses. Positions of status are not meant to be used for personal gain but to act in the interests of every citizen in the city. The Laudatio of the City of Florence by Bruni is emulating the orations of ancient Greek …show more content…

Most of the checks and balances of the political system are not listed as methods to stop improper law making but more so measure against corruption among the wealthy. Oppressing the regular citizens and not providing them any ability to explore the arts or their own potential is completely against the views of the Renaissance. He takes pride that “nowhere does such liberty flourish” and it has given rise to impressive people exploring their true potential beyond the confines of a social structure. Stating in the city that there are citizens who “easily surpass the limits of other men” and are able to shine in this environment crafted on the values of the classical age. In his speech Bruni draws direct parallels to the classical age as the act of fleeing the city for Lucca by the citizens when the “betrayers” gained control was similar to Athenians fleeing the city during the Persian War. Like the Greece states the free people banded together and gathered a ultimately successful resistance to foreign oppressors. This story is clearly tailored by Bruni to make the comparison as the flow of events is detailed and stretched to fit the Athenian story. He has in mind it is the duty of people with “high-minded and noble spirit” to resist and overcome in defence of their

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