Law Of Attraction College Essay

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If you are looking for the secret to making money online with your network marketing program then look no further. Here are top five tips to help you in your quest for creating financial abundance in 2009 Step 1) Utilize The Law of Attraction: If you are really serious about creating financial freedom with your network marketing program then you will have to begin harnessing the magical power of The Law of Attraction in your daily life. This is the number one secret to making money online. The Law of Attraction states that what you think about most or focus your energy on most manifests itself into your daily physical reality. Therefore if you purposely focus on achieving success with your program then by the Law of Attraction that is what you will receive. …show more content…

This law states that money is like an ever flowing river, flowing in and out of your life constantly. In order to bring more in you must give some out, and in order to give some out you must bring some more in. A basic rule of thumb to go by is that whatever we give out to the Universe comes back into our lives ten fold. So try to get into your flow of abundance so that you are perfectly aligned with this spiritual law of abundance. For instance begin to give freely and with love, it doesn't' have to be money; you can give your time, help people, give clothes to charity. Any form of giving will help you bring abundance into your life. So how does this tie in with your program? Well In order for to begin seeing success you must be willing to give freely of your time to help your team members achieve the success they are searching for. Not only your team members, you can also give freely to anyone who may need advice or help or are looking to attract more abundance into their lives. Here is a nice mantra for you to say that will help you get into your

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