Lawn Mower Essay

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One must understand the customer wants before any plan can be implemented. The market is customer driven, which makes it essential for the product to create value for the customer. When an individual is looking at the self-propelled lawn mower they will ask themselves what do they gain from it. As an entrepreneur of the self-propelled lawn mower I will focus on the benefits that the consumer seeks of the product. This type of segmentation is known as benefit segmentation, which requires finding the major benefit, and the major brands that deliver each benefit. An example of this can be seen in a treadmill. Individuals who buy a treadmill are seeking to reap the befits associated in its usage, which are increased endurance, stable core, etc. The consumer would view the self-propelled lawn mower in such a manner as well. The reason being is it provides obvious benefits to its user, such as removing the physical burden of mowing a lawn or saving the precious time of the user. …show more content…

In order to ensure the success of the self-propelled lawn mower one must look at three factors: segment size and growth, segment structural attractiveness, and company objectives. Will the segment size for the self-propelled lawn mower be enough to generate profit? Form my understanding the want for an advanced lawn mower is in demand. The market for individuals with a mower is immense and could be taped into. The segment structure is newly formed since no other company offers a self-propelled lawn mower This creates the opportunity to reap the success of what could be the next innovational product. The company objectives are to create profit no matter