Laws And Controls In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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Differing to the societies of these ongoing “Unmentionable Times”, the world at large in the City’s time has constricting laws and controls that “bettered” the society. The inanity of the people in Ayn Rand’s Anthem shows how the whole of the laws and the controls of the City allow for the abolishment of the intellectual and psychological distinctiveness of the citizens and to replace it with a draconian net of collectivism and altruism. Throughout the story, a man named Equality 7-2521 becomes conscious of how the laws are turned against the progression that he wants. Equality grasps that loneliness is not the evil in society, but the never-ending nearness to everybody is the flaw of the society. The laws and controls can be mainly displayed …show more content…

In the City, secrets were not allowed to be kept (34). It would be in Equality’s best interest to not be keeping secrets. As was aforementioned, people may not feel the safety of their ideas being said. Some people may think that in terms of egoism, that their terms not being said is in their own self-interest. And on scratching the topic of egoism, Equality’s society would not be able to be so egoistic if his society would run well. The truth is that if everyone just did their dream job, who would clean up the messes, cook the food, and take care of the jobs that nobody wanted to …show more content…

Naming. In the City, men were supposed to wear iron shackles with their name and numbers (18). But Equality’s, or shall it be Prometheus’ idea of naming people without numbers. Naming them with meaning. Is that so different from what the City did? They may not be numbered, but one thing that gave uniqueness to people in the City is names. The whole idea of names is so that the collectivist society was to give the citizens a fake sense of oneness. Except for Prometheus, the names gave oneness by not having words that would hint at it. There is not a distinct difference between the City’s numbers and Prometheus’ names. In the City, it was forbidden not to be happy (45). Now there is a major flaw in this. Having so many emotions is what creates the core of humans. It could be thought that humans would not be as productive without the ability of feelings. Now, the most likely situation is that Equality never touches this subject. After all, in a world where people are not brainwashed from birth, there is a likely chance that they will have feelings nonetheless. It has been found that a mix of positive and negative emotions are beneficial for one’s well being