
Layman Language And Techniques Used In The Microbiology Class

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The article touches on many of the aspects of bacterial metabolism already covered in the microbiology class. It uses layman language to explain complex scientific concepts making it easier to read and appreciate. Having discussed basic microbiology concepts in class helped lay a good background for me to read this article. The writer quotes scientists and prior research to drive the ideas home. A few points covered in the article caught me attention. First, the article explains that microbes resident in the human gut could transform non-toxic mercury derivative back to toxic organic mercury. This concept made me question the safety of fish a food source. The article also claims that due to the diversity of the microbes found in the human gut, exposure to non-toxic metal derivatives …show more content…

The insight that bacteria have considerable increased transfer of plasmids when they try to adapt to metals in the human gut brings me back to my concern regarding the safety of fish as safe food for humans, this is because from prior knowledge, fish cons. The material that we have covered in class made the article easier to understand. I was able to recognize most technical words and concepts. The focus on the effects of microbes on human health was intriguing. I was able to build on the knowledge I learnt in class. Sometime back I suffered food poisoning, it recurred twice and since then I developed some aversion to seafood and fish. Though I eat fish rarely and clam only in chowder once in a while, I do not eat other forms of seafood. This was because I believed that I caught the infection from improperly cooked seafood. I was hoping to get some insight into food poisoning but ended up learning more about bacteria and their action on metals in the gut. DOES THIS ARTICLE PASS THE CRAP

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