This theory makes the dyadic relationship between leaders and followers the focal point of the leadership process. Path-Goal Theory. This approach emphasizes the link between the leader, followers’ behaviors, and that of the organization, making the path clear to promote a satisfying work environment. Authentic Leadership Theory. This approach focuses on the interpersonal process that emerges from the interactions between leaders and followers.
Comparing the theoretical notions of leadership and the observed examples of leadership displayed by Tim Bloomfield, he is an effective leader. His ambition to motivate his workforce is unfortunately hindered by lazy workers, whom would most likely continue to be lazy regardless of leadership. Tim’s ability to communicate is one aspect that makes him a great leader, however, he needs to contactable at all times during business hours. He has put opportunities in place for team building to occur without forcing it upon people and if not for racist members of staff it would be highly effective. Upon analysing the leadership through traits, behaviour and contingency theories the findings above were substantiated.
Leadership has many definitions. Chin, Desormeaux, and Sawyer (2016) define leadership as a relationship between followers and a leader with the intent to promote change through a mutual vision. Therefore, leaders are active influences in the outcome of organizations, through their decision-making, strategies, and influence on followers (Dinh et al., 2014). Additionally, in the nursing context, it has been documented that a leader 's style plays a factor in patient outcomes (Fischer, 2016). Indeed, in an ever-changing, complex health care environment, nursing leadership has become a crucial factor in managing challenges and maintaining patient safety (Fischer, 2016).
Leadership Thought Prior to 1900 The earliest study of leadership thought would be the “Great Man Theory. This theory conceptualized leaders as a single “Great Man” who knew everything and influenced others to follow him. In leadership discourse, the Great Man theory—an assertion that certain individuals, certain men, are gifts from God placed on earth to provide the lightening needed to uplift human existence—is associated mainly with Thomas Carlyle (Spector, 2015, p.250). The focal-point of this theory is that leaders’ skills are inherent and set that them apart from those around them and that these traits enable them to assume roles of power and authority.
Path goal theory thoroughly examined the relationship between leaders and followers. It examine how leaders motivate subordinates in pursuit of objectives. It implied that leadership is not enforced on subordinates but exercised in conjunction with them, recognising that often leadership is wanted by those that are led, not imposed on them. Path goal theory emphasise on directive leadership which involved clear command, recognise and assign tasks, indicating how and when the task to be completed and the standards expected. This is a style of leadership that is familiar to most commanders and leaders.
The Human Side of Enterprise (1960), A professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management, president of Antioch College but Douglas McGregor was most famous for his Theory X and Theory Y, assumptions about motivation and human behaviour in the workplace particularly from administrative and leadership perspectives. McGregor practiced organisation/management consulting along with Richard Beckhard and played a major role in founding what we know today as organisation development. The Paper discusses McGregor's conceptualisation of Theory Y. What has been the impact of Theory Y on managerial thinking and behaviour since 1960? Is Theory Y merely an interesting idea that had a small impact or has Theory Y changed the course of how management works?
3.1.2 – Dynamics between leadership and management According to John Kotter from Harvard Business School, leadership and management are both complementary as well as distinct from each other. Kotter talks about the dynamics between leadership and management as being a part wherein the leadership process involves developing the vision of the organisation and aligning the people with the vision of the organisation and motivating employees through the satisfaction of their needs. Leadership brings in change in the organisation. Whereas the management involves the functional aspects like planning, organising, staffing and controlling and problem-solving.
Leaders come in many different shapes and forms. Some leaders only care about the business and task at hand, some leaders care too much for their employees, and other leaders have a great mix of both worlds; those are the types of leaders to have in every company. Leaders need to be fully invested not only in the business to succeed, but they need to make sure their employees are taken care of just as well as the company. Within this paper will discuss the reasons that leaders need to be involved not only within the business, but with the employees too. Theodore Roosevelt described how a caring leader should be in the workforce.
Through self-reflection and academic readings, I have discovered that I identify with three different leadership theories. During the first meeting in a Strength Based Leadership class, we were asked to write our leadership history. The class then began an ongoing exploration of various leadership theories. Upon reviewing my leadership history from the first class and synthesizing the information from the theories that were examined, I discovered that I most resonate with the Trait Leadership Theory, the Skills Leadership Theory, and the Path-Goal Leadership theory. These theories are leader focused, describing the process and techniques a leader uses to accomplish goals.
" Leadership is the ability of a superior to influence the behavior of subordinates and persuade them to follow a particular course of action." - Chester Barnard Max Weber 's Theory: Types of Leadership In Max Weber 's theory, he wrote about three types of leaderships: Bureaucratic, Charismatic, and Traditional. Weber was one of the first of the theorists to recognize that leadership itself was situational in nature, and that effective individuals needed to move dynamically from one type of leadership style to another to remain successful. 1] Bureaucratic Leadership "Bureaucratic administration means fundamentally domination through knowledge." Bureaucratic leadership is based upon fixed official duties under a hierarchy of authority, applying a system of rules for management and decision-making.
In this regard, leaders and managers can appear at any level of an organisation and are not exclusive of each other (Germano, 2010). Leadership theories identify leaders based upon traits as well as how their influence and power is used to achieve organizational goals and objectives (Germano, 2010). As such, trait based characteristics include leaders such as autocratic, democratic, bureaucratic and charismatic. On the other hand, leadership that is viewed from the perspective of the exchange of power and its utilisation to secure outcomes, are situational, transactional and transformational leaders (Germano, 2010). It is of paramount importance to consider the different types of theories of management and leadership and their potential impact on organizational strategy being that management and leadership plays a vital role in the success of businesses.
Next, there are four types of important theories of motivation which includes Maslow`s H Hierarchy of Needs Theory, McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, Herzberg’s Two- Factor Theory and McClelland’s Three-Needs Theory. These theories represent the foundation from which contemporary theories grew and still are used by practising managers to explain employee motivation. Motivation is an internal feeling which can be understood by manager because he is only one always close contact with the employees.” Motivation is
Different scholars identified various kinds of leadership styles that affect the job performance, satisfaction and learning and development of subordinates. Warrick, D.D (1981) cited that there are no doubt variables other than a leader’s style that affect employee performance and development but leadership style plays a significant role and not to be underestimated. An awareness of leadership styles and their consequences are very important because it may either facilitate or inhabit skill development. The major theories on leadership are the traits, leadership styles and contingency theories.
Teamwork in the workplace gives the company and employees the ability to become more familiar with each other and learn how to work together. Teamwork is also essential to the success of an organisation and to the development of each employee. Understanding teamwork will assist in developing company's policies with regards to teamwork in the workplace. ● Responsibility and Delegation. Teams that work well together have an understanding of each other's strengths and weaknesses.
‘Organizations provide its managers with legitimate authority to lead, but there is no assurance that they will be able to lead effectively’ (Lunenburg, 2011). Organizational success usually requires a combination of both management and leadership. In today’s dynamic work environment, leaders are expected to challenge the present state of affairs, and to motivate and convince organization members. Managers are needed to assist in creating and maintaining a positive and well-functioning workplace. ‘Leadership and management are often considered practically overlapping concepts’ (Bohoris and Vorria, 2007, p. 1).