Leadership In George Orwell's 'Animal Farm'

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Animal Farm Research Paper Leadership - it comes to people quickly and others it takes awhile. Therefore some people might ask, “What skills do you need to have to be a leader?” Well to be a leader you need to be able to listen and show respect to your people, be a humble person, and share your visions and actions. Ronald Reagan cared, showed respect, shared his visions and actions, and was very humble. With all of these talents it helped him listen and here out the people of America and other countries. Unlike the pigs in Animal Farm, Ronald Reagan embodies the characteristics of a strong leader because he showed respect, he had humility, and shared his visions and actions. The pigs in Animal Farm showed no respect to their comrades, unlike Ronald Reagan who showed respect to the country and the people. Boxer always showed respect to the pigs but they never gave it back. Benjamin …show more content…

At the end of the novel, Napoleon changes the name “Animal Farm back to Manor Farm” (Orwell 84). The quote shows that he never told anyone about what he was going to do and that no one agreed to the thought of changing the name back to Manor Farm. On the other hand Ronald Reagan would share his vision and how he was going to achieve it: “He came to office in 1980 pledging to reinvigorate the idea of limited government — to restore what he saw as the constitutional foundations of American politics” (Kesler). He told the people of America and shared how he would get there which helped him win the elections because there would be no surprise pop ups that would hurt the community. How the pigs handled their role as being a leader, they were unprofessional, and no one could expect what their next move would be. Ronald Reagan made sure everyone knew what his next move would be and made sure if people were okay with