A personal assessment of a leader can assist in identifying and understanding the leader’s style, how their style effects followers, and can highlight strengths and weaknesses in one’s character or leadership style. Moreover, self-assessments are essential as once a person understands what their leadership styles or strengths and weaknesses are, that individual can begin setting goals or objectives to help improve on their faults or take full advantage of their already honed skills. Because few individuals are born great leaders, building, and improving on one’s own skills is an excellent way to continually grow as a person and a leader. What leadership model, style, or theory best describes you as a leader? Of the five leadership approaches, the best that represents my view is the skills approach to leadership. In the skills leadership approach, the model looks at three skills needed to be a leader and how they dependency of each skill changes as a leader transcends the corporate career ladder. The three skills are human, technical, and …show more content…
Again, I tend to agree with the different levels of management and the necessary skills needed to succeed. An example is in my job, employees and first line supervisors understand and know the inner workings of every process. As middle managers are seen less in the process and daily activities, those managers are creating operations and meeting with members of the public to increase the efficiency of the employee’s duties. The top-level managers are hardly visible, yet they meet with high ranking individuals in the community and discuss how to move the organization forward. They often will bring middle managers or first-line supervisors in to discuss the technical aspects of an operation or strategy they have created. Moreover, I do feel like the skills approach best describes my organization and the leaders