Abuse In The Movie Precious, By Lee Daniels

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Film is undoubtedly an art that can not only shape opinions but alter what seems to be the truth, and affect people in thousands of different ways. Throughout the course of filmmaking, many directors have made their mark on the industry, creating movies that will won’t be forgotten for many generations. While he may not be as well known in the industry, Lee Daniels has created movies, along with television shows, that attracted millions of people and are truly worthy of being passed down in history. Lee Daniels was born December 24, 1959 and began his career not as a director, but as the founder of a nursing agency. However, he later sold this agency and became involved in film, first as a casting director and manager. (“Lee Daniels”) Daniels’ films range from The Butler to the hit tv series Empire. Both about starkly different ideas with completely unrelated plots, yet …show more content…

As stated earlier, abuse was a topic seen randomly throughout Empire and also considered to be one of the main themes of his movie Precious. Precious was a story told about an illiterate girl who is abused by her mother and father. Throughout the story she learns about the world, herself, and everyone around her. Yet you can’t get away from the topic of abuse because Daniels’ made it seem so real to those watching. He uses lighting and angles so effectively that every scene he orchestrates just overflows with emotion and leaves the viewer feeling like they are with the characters in the exact moment. Unlike most other directors, Daniels was abused a child(“Lee Daniels”) and therefore knows firsthand what it’s like and is able to transfer that emotion into the actors portraying each character, and also make the scene more believable in a

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