Legalizing Organ Sales Anthony Gregory Analysis

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Imagine your child needs a heart transplant. If she gets it in time, she’ll live a long, healthy life. Without it, your child has, at most, one year to live. The article “Why Legalizing Organ Sales Would Help Save Lives, End Violence” published in The Atlantic on November 11, 2011, written by Anthony Gregory, claims that organ sales should be legalized because many people die on the transplant list before they can get an organ. Gregory gives an insight on some of the benefits of organ transplants and how in some countries, it is legal for people to sell their organs. The text is directed toward medical personnel because it causes them to question, “what if”, organ sales legalized or what would they gain from this legalization? His article is also directed towards people in need of an organ, and organ donors. Gregory is successful when he uses logical, emotional and ethical tactics to persuade his audience on why organ sales would be beneficial. Some logical tactics Gregory uses to persuade his audience is giving the number of how many people die waiting for a transplant. He states, “...there are only about 20,000 …show more content…

Liberals like to say, ‘my body, my choice,’ and conservatives claim to favor free markets, but true self-ownership would include the right to sell one 's body parts, and genuine free enterprise would imply a market in human organs. In any event, studies show that this has become a matter of life and death.” (452) This would be considered a hasty generalization in logical fallacy terms. He has reached an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence. Research shows that Gregory himself, is a liberal. Although Gregory is a liberal, he is saying that all liberals think the way he thinks. Not everyone who has the same political standpoint has the same opinions, but it seems as if Gregory is speaking for everyone who is a